Yulduz Eshmuminova , Teacher, Uzun district school No.62, UzbekistanAbstract
This article explores the mathematical concept of representing positive integers as sums of distinct odd prime numbers. The focus is on understanding the unique combinations and properties that arise when expressing numbers through this framework. Utilizing advanced combinatorial techniques and number theory principles, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of the conditions under which such representations are possible. We delve into the role of prime gaps, the frequency of prime numbers, and their influence on the sum decompositions of integers. Several novel findings are presented, including a set of criteria for determining the representability of specific classes of numbers. The implications of this research extend to cryptographic applications and the optimization of algorithms related to prime number theory. This study not only deepens the theoretical understanding of prime sums but also offers new insights into the structural properties of numbers in the context of discrete mathematics.
Odd Prime Numbers, Sum Representation, Number Theory
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