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Reena Chauhan , EC Department LDPR-ITR, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India


This research delves into the fascinating world of image processing, specifically focusing on image denoising and compression techniques employing the power of wavelets. In an era where high-quality visuals are paramount, the utilization of wavelet-based algorithms has emerged as a transformative method to enhance visual clarity. This paper presents an in-depth exploration of wavelet-based image denoising, effectively removing unwanted noise while preserving image details. Furthermore, it investigates the application of wavelets in image compression, enabling efficient data storage and transmission without compromising image quality. Through comprehensive experimentation and analysis, we unveil the magic of wavelets in elevating visual clarity while optimizing data usage.


Image Denoising, Image Compression, Wavelet Transform


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WAVELET MAGIC: ENHANCING VISUAL CLARITY THROUGH IMAGE DENOISING AND COMPRESSION. (2024). International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 4(01), 07-10.