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Preethi Sahu , Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu, India


The implementation of Automated Fare Collection (AFC) systems in public transportation plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and user convenience. This abstract explores the design and functionality of a Bus Card Checker system, a key component of AFC technology. The system aims to automate the verification process of passenger cards, ensuring seamless and accurate fare collection. By integrating advanced sensor technology and real-time data processing algorithms, the Bus Card Checker system enables quick validation of cards, reducing boarding time and improving operational efficiency. This abstract discusses the system's architecture, operational benefits, and its impact on enhancing public transit services.


Automated Fare Collection, Bus Card Checker, Public Transportation


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AUTOMATED FARE COLLECTION: BUS CARD CHECKER. (2024). International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 4(01), 11-16.