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Zainalabideen Al-Husseini , Department of Accounting, College of Adminstrative Sciences, Al-Mustaqbal University, 51001, Babylon, Iraq


There is an increasing need to find professional institutions that sponsor the work of companies in the financial and accounting fields due to the changes and developments taking place in the economic environments. Hence, the International Accounting Standards Board - IASB, which includes many other sub-boards like the Financial Accounting Standards Board - FASB, has issued many scientific publications in financial and accounting fields. Furthermore, the International Accounting Standards Board, through its sub-boards, including the Financial Accounting Standards Board, has formulated several International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS ) to improve the quality of financial reporting and the transparency of the information it contains in a globally applicable and accepted manner. This information would reflect the current situation of economic institutions in terms of performance and financial position in response to changes in economic environments, and to meet the needs of  This framework will be applied consistently across transactions, industries, and capital markets to improve the comparability of financial data between economic institutions operating in the same sector globally and within a comprehensive, unified, and stable framework.


Economic environments, Financial Accounting Standards Board, has formulated several International Financial


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9- Abbas ( 2020). The impact of applying the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS9 on the financial performance of Iraqi commercial banks. : Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences at the University of Kufa, ( 17) 100-117

Saleh, A. ( 2021). Improving the financial performance of commercial banks in Iraq: a case study of the Agricultural Cooperative Bank in Najaf Governorate. :

Abbas ( 2020) The impact of applying the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS9 on the financial performance of Iraqi commercial banks. : Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences at the University of Kufa, ( 17), 100-117

Abdul Wahed and Haider ( 2020) Analysis of the application of IFRS 9 and its impact on the financial performance of Iraqi banks," Journal of Economics and Management - 11, Issue Thirteen.

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Al-Darwesh, A. K. ( 2021). "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Financial Performance of Iraqi Banks." International Journal of Accounting and Finance, 11(2), 150-

Al-Khalidi, M (. 2021). "Improving Iraq's Financial Sector: Challenges and Opportunities." Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 13(4), 478-496.

Al- Rikabi , A (. 2018.) The impact of implementing IFRS 9 on the financial performance of Iraqi banks: An empirical study. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 26(3), 370- 385.

4- Al- Salihi , H. A (. 2020. ".) The challenges of implementing IFRS 9 in the Iraqi banking sector: A qualitative study. ".Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 18 (1), 1-

Al- Salihi , J.H (. 2021 “.) The impact of IFRS 9 on the financial performance of Iraqi banks: An empirical study." Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 7(1), 1- 21. 1), 1-21 .

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THE IMPACT OF APPLYING INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NINE ON THE QUALITY OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION. (2024). International Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 4(05), 170-190.