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The Role of Government Spending in Reducing Poverty in Iraq

Abdulmadi Raheem Hamza , Department of Business Administrative, college of Administrative sciences, Almustaqbal University, 51001, Babylon, Iraq
Ali Taha Hanash , Department of Business Administrative, college of Administrative sciences, Almustaqbal University, 51001, Babylon, Iraq
Walid Khaled Hussein , Department of Business Administrative, college of Administrative sciences, Almustaqbal University, 51001, Babylon, Iraq
Murtadha Mahdi Saleh , Department of Business Administrative, college of Administrative sciences, Almustaqbal University, 51001, Babylon, Iraq
Uqadis Maytham Muhammad , Department of Business Administrative, college of Administrative sciences, Almustaqbal University, 51001, Babylon, Iraq


Government spending can play an important role in reducing poverty by creating jobs through financing investment projects that lead to the creation of new jobs by financing investment projects such as infrastructure projects, industrial and agricultural projects supporting small and medium enterprises by providing loans and financial grants providing training and vocational rehabilitation programs to help the poor acquire the necessary skills to get a job improving basic services such as education and health And social protection, leading to an improvement in the standard of living of the poor promote economic development by financing infrastructure projects that lead to an improvement in the investment environment and the growth of the economy through: Financing infrastructure projects such as the construction of roads, bridges, electricity and water networks supporting productive sectors such as agriculture and industry improving the investment environment through the enactment of laws and legislations that encourage investment increasing access to education through the construction of schools and the provision of books and school supplies improving the quality of education through teacher training and curriculum development raising the skills level through the provision of vocational education programs improving health services through the construction of hospitals and providing medicines and treatment reducing disease rates through health awareness programs improving public health through the provision of water and sanitation services providing financial support to families Government spending in Iraq faces many challenges, the most important of which are: corruption, which leads to the waste of public funds without achieving the desired benefit dependence on oil, which makes government spending vulnerable to fluctuations in oil prices weak management, which leads to inefficient government spending poverty is one of the most important challenges facing Iraq, as statistics indicate that the poverty rate in Iraq has exceeded 20% in 2020. Government spending is one of the most important tools that can be used to reduce poverty government spending refers to the use of public funds by the government to finance various services, programs and projects. These services, programs and projects include the following: education such as building schools, providing books and school supplies health such as building hospitals, providing medicines and treatment social protection such as providing financial assistance to poor families infrastructure such as building roads, bridges, electricity and water networks (Abdul Razzaq, 60)


These services, programs, projects


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The Role of Government Spending in Reducing Poverty in Iraq. (2024). International Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 4(05), 274-292.