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Heena Khan , Department Of Pharmaceutics, Shadan Women’s College Of Pharmacy, Khairtabad, India


The optimization of repaglinide delivery is crucial for achieving effective glycemic control in patients with diabetes. This study focuses on the formulation and evaluation of biphasic mini tablets designed to enhance the controlled release of repaglinide. The objective was to develop a formulation that ensures a consistent therapeutic effect through a biphasic release mechanism, combining both immediate and extended release profiles. Repaglinide biphasic mini tablets were formulated using a combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers to achieve the desired drug release characteristics. The immediate release phase was designed to provide rapid onset of action, while the extended release phase aimed to maintain therapeutic drug levels over an extended period. Various formulation parameters, including polymer types, ratios, and tablet compression forces, were optimized through preliminary studies.


The mini tablets were evaluated for critical parameters including drug content uniformity, release kinetics, tablet hardness, and stability. In vitro dissolution studies were conducted to assess the release profiles and confirm the biphasic release pattern. The mini tablets demonstrated effective control over the release of repaglinide, with a significant improvement in the duration of therapeutic activity compared to conventional formulations. The results indicate that the biphasic mini tablets provide a promising approach for optimizing repaglinide delivery, offering both immediate and sustained drug release. This formulation strategy holds potential for improving glycemic control and patient adherence by providing a more consistent and prolonged therapeutic effect. Further clinical studies are warranted to confirm the efficacy and safety of this innovative delivery system in diabetic patients.


Repaglinide, Biphasic Mini Tablets, Controlled Release


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