Najmiddinova Sarvara Samariddinovna,Ravshanjon O'taganov , Fergana regional branch of Uzbekistan State Institute of Art and CultureAbstract
In this article, the contributions of famous enlighteners such as Munavvarqori Abdurashidkhanov, Abdulla Avloni, Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Hamza Hakimzada Niyozi, Maria Kuznestova, Abror Hidoyatov, Masuma Qoriyeva, who organized the first stage play in Uzbekistan and promoted it among the people actions were discussed. In this article, I tried to present information about the changes of the 20th century Uzbek theater in our culture and the Uzbek theater that opened its curtain in 1814 with the play "Padarkush" by Mahmudhoja Behbudi.
Theater, Behbudi, Padarkush, Cholpon, Art, Turkestan, Stage, troupe, actor, comedy, drama, tragedy.
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